Numerical Analysis (Fall 2024)

Welcome to Numerical Analysis! Numerical analysis studies algorithms and mathematical problems in the presence of (small) errors. In practice, such errors are unavoidable, so it is important to understand their impacts. Numerical analysis is one of the core fields in applied math, and this class will cover a number of key topics in numerical analysis. Linear algebra is a prerequisite, as much of numerical analysis is based on linear algebra.

Instructor: Tyler Chen
Class: M, W 3:30-4:45pm (19 West 4th 102)
Office Hours: M 1:00-2:00pm, Tu 12:30-1:30pm, F 9:15-10:00am (WWH 905)

Teaching Assistant: Xuanxi Zhang
Recitation: F 8:00-9:15am (WWH 102)
Office Hours: W 9:00-11:00am (WWH 803)

Final Project Details

Edstem discussion

Course notes

Approximate Schedule

1. (9/1)
No class Monday, Intro to numerical anlaysis
2. (9/8)
Linear algebra review, SVD
[quiz 1] (9/11)
3. (9/15)
SVD, Norms, Factored systems
[hw2] (due 9/24) [ws2]
4. (9/22)
Floating point numbers, Conditioning
[quiz 2] (9/25) [ws3]
5. (9/29)
Stability, runtime
[hw3] (due 10/7)
6. (10/6)
Gaussian elimination (LU)
[quiz 3] (10/9)
7. (10/13)
Monday class on Tueday, Pivoting, QR
[hw4] (due 10/21)
8. (10/20)
[quiz 4] (10/23)
9. (10/27)
QR, least squares
[hw5] (due 11/04)
10. (11/3)
Power Method
[quiz 5] (11/6)
11. (11/10)
Inverse Power Method
12. (11/17)
NLA review
midterm (11/20), project proposal (11/22)
13. (11/24)
Polynomial approximation
[hw6] (due 11/26)
14. (12/1)
Polynomial interpolation, Chebyshev polynomials
quiz 6 (12/4)
15. (12/8)
Final presentations (12/9), no class Wednesday
[hw7 (optional)] (due 12/18)
16. (12/15)
Finals week
final report (12/18)